Sunday, October 13, 2024

Linux server hardening | Secure Linux Servers

 Linux server hardening is the process of securing a Linux server by reducing its attack surface and mitigating security risks. The goal is to protect the system from unauthorized access, exploitation, and other security threats. Here's a comprehensive guide to Linux server hardening:

1. Regular Updates and Patching

   - Update packages regularly: Ensure the system and software are up-to-date with the latest security patches.

     - Commands:

       - For Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`

       - For RHEL/CentOS: `sudo yum update` or `sudo dnf update`

   - Automatic updates: Configure unattended upgrades for automatic security patching.

     - Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt install unattended-upgrades`

 2. Disable Unused Services

   - Check running services: Use `netstat`, `ss`, or `systemctl` to list active services.

     - Commands: 

       - `sudo systemctl list-unit-files --type=service`

       - `sudo netstat -tuln`

   - Stop and disable unnecessary services

     - `sudo systemctl stop <service>`

     - `sudo systemctl disable <service>`

3. Firewall Configuration

   - Use firewalls: Set up a firewall like `iptables`, `nftables`, or `ufw` to restrict network traffic.

     - `ufw` (for Ubuntu):

       - Enable: `sudo ufw enable`

       - Allow specific port: `sudo ufw allow <port>`

       - Deny all incoming traffic and allow only necessary ones: `sudo ufw default deny incoming`

     - `iptables`/`nftables` for advanced users.


4. SSH Hardening

   - Disable root login: 

     - Edit `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` and set `PermitRootLogin no`

   - Change default SSH port: Use a non-standard port to avoid automated attacks.

     - `Port 2222` (example)

   - Use SSH key-based authentication: Disable password authentication and enable public key authentication.

     - Set `PasswordAuthentication no` in `sshd_config`

   - Restrict SSH access: Limit SSH to specific IP addresses or networks.

     - Use `AllowUsers` or `AllowGroups` in `sshd_config`

 5. Intrusion Detection and Monitoring

   - Install intrusion detection tools like `AIDE`, `OSSEC`, or `Tripwire`.

     - Example: `sudo apt install aide`

     - Initialize: `sudo aideinit`

   - Log monitoring: Use tools like `Logwatch` or `GoAccess` to monitor logs.

     - Logwatch: `sudo apt install logwatch`

     - GoAccess: `sudo apt install goaccess`

6. File and Directory Permissions

   - Set correct file permissions: Ensure only authorized users can access sensitive files.

     - Use `chmod` to modify permissions, e.g., `chmod 600 /etc/ssh/sshd_config`

   - Use access control lists (ACL) for granular permissions:

     - `setfacl -m u:user:r /path/to/file`

7. Disable Unnecessary Network Ports

   - Check open ports: 

     - `sudo netstat -tuln` or `sudo ss -tuln`

   - Use `firewalld`, `iptables`, or `ufw` to block unnecessary ports.

   - Disable network services that aren't needed (like FTP, Telnet).

8. SELinux or AppArmor

   - Enable SELinux (for CentOS/RHEL) or AppArmor (for Ubuntu)** to add an additional layer of security by restricting what processes can do.

     - Check SELinux status: `sestatus`

     - Enforce SELinux: `sudo setenforce 1`

     - For AppArmor: `sudo systemctl enable apparmor`


 9. Secure Boot Configuration

   - Set a password on the bootloader (GRUB) to prevent unauthorized changes.

     - Edit `/etc/grub.d/40_custom` to add the password:


       set superusers="admin"

       password_pbkdf2 admin [hash]


     - Update GRUB: `sudo update-grub`

 10. Audit Logs

   - Enable auditing with `auditd` to track important system events.

     - Install: `sudo apt install auditd`

     - Start the service: `sudo systemctl start auditd`

   - Use `ausearch` or `auditctl` to query audit logs.

11. Security Tools

   - Fail2Ban: Protect against brute force attacks by blocking IPs after a certain number of failed login attempts.

     - Install: `sudo apt install fail2ban`

     - Configure jail: `/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf`

   -  Lynis: A security auditing tool for Linux.

     - Install: `sudo apt install lynis`

     - Run: `sudo lynis audit system`

12. Limit User Privileges

   - Use `sudo` instead of logging in as root. Restrict `sudo` privileges using `/etc/sudoers` or `sudo visudo`.

   - Avoid adding users to privileged groups unless necessary.

13. Backup Regularly

   - Use automated backup tools like `rsync`, `borg`, or cloud-based solutions to back up important files regularly.

   - Test backups for data integrity.

 14. Encryption

   - Encrypt sensitive data: Use `LUKS` for disk encryption or tools like `gpg` for file encryption.

   - Encrypt network traffic: Use VPNs, SSH tunnels, or tools like `stunnel`.

15. Disable IPv6 if Not Needed

   - If you don't need IPv6, disable it to reduce your attack surface.

     - Edit `/etc/sysctl.conf` and add:


       net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

       net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1


 16. Use Centralized Authentication

   - If you have multiple servers, consider using centralized authentication methods like LDAP, FreeIPA, or Kerberos to simplify user management and enhance security.

17. Enforce Password Policies

   - Use `pam_pwquality` to enforce password complexity and expiration policies.

     - Configure in `/etc/security/pwquality.conf`

By following these steps, you'll significantly reduce the risk of vulnerabilities and strengthen your Linux server's security posture. Keep monitoring and revising your security measures as new threats emerge.

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Linux server hardening | Secure Linux Servers

 Linux server hardening is the process of securing a Linux server by reducing its attack surface and mitigating security risks. The goal is ...