Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to reset mysql user password if forgot

1 => Create a temporary SQL text file, /tmp/temp.sql

 2 => Open /tmp/temp.sql file and write below query

SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost = PASSWORD('New_password')

3 =>  Add below line in your MySQL config file (on Ubuntu this is on /etc/mysql/my.cnf), under the [mysqld] section: 

4 > Now restart MySQL service after that check your mysql password has been reset

5 =>  Now remove the init-file=/tmp/temp.sql entry from my.cnf (do not forget this). Even as the server is up and running.

6 : =>  Remove the /tmp/temp.sql file.

Note : you can use this step for xampp also just use /opt/lampp/etc/my.cnf 

###################Enjoy ##########################

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 Linux server hardening is the process of securing a Linux server by reducing its attack surface and mitigating security risks. The goal is ...